Vintage rugs , your personality in a rug

Vintage rugs , your personality in a rug

Rugs lend character to a home: that’s why it is important to know how to choose them

Highly eye-catching and functional, rugs, especially if they are modern and design, enable to customise any home environment, conveying grit, personality and elegance. If strategically positioned, they will turn your home into a cosier space, with much warmth and colour. If you like a contemporary look, but you do not disdain tradition, choose Eastern models, but with original and lively warps. Colour choice is essential, as well. Warm colours such as ruby, vermilion, orange and yellow perfectly integrate the shades of the same family, while “cold colours” such as light blue, green and violet must be matched with similar shades. At last, neutral tones and shades of the earth match very well with endless colour combinations.

The big Mohebban rugs collection offers customized solutions tailored to the needs of the most demanding professionals and end-users. The offer includes a unique range of rugs that combine innovative design with excellent quality, full of charm and personality. Mohebban’s carpets are all handmade and are developed with the finest materials, selected with great care in Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, India, Nepal and China. Level Rugs collections are meant for a customer who wants to furnish his or her home with modern, trendy carpets. Mohebban took inspiration from a minimalist, urban concept that has a typical ethnic touch as well. Mohebbian introduced their new collections at the latest interior design exhibition Maison&Objet, in Paris.

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